With the help of many tribal nations and community partners, we established “Completing the Circle”, a program that helps foster children, their foster and bio families, and their tribal families travel a path together toward healing. With a focus on the rich heritage of their tribal nation, “Completing the Circle” strives to raise awareness among these children that they are part of a bigger circle of life, that they are not alone in their journey, and that step by step, they will complete the circle.
About ICWA
The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) was enacted in 1978 in response to a crisis affecting American Indian and Alaska Native children, families, and tribes. Studies revealed that large numbers of Native children were being separated from their parents, extended families, and communities by state child welfare and private adoption agencies. In fact, research found that 25%–35% of all Native children were being removed; of these, 85% were placed outside of their families and communities—even when fit and willing relatives were available.
From the National Indian Child Welfare Association:
Congressional testimony documented the devastating impact this was having upon Native children, families, and tribes. The intent of Congress under ICWA was to “protect the best interests of Indian children and to promote the stability and security of Indian tribes and families” (25 U.S.C. § 1902).
ICWA sets federal requirements that apply to state child custody proceedings involving an Indian child who is a member of or eligible for membership in a federally recognized tribe.
At the time, not only was ICWA vitally needed, but it was crafted to address some of the most longstanding and egregious removal practices specifically targeting Native children. Among its added protections for Native children, ICWA requires caseworkers to make several considerations when handling an ICWA case, including:
- Providing active efforts to the family;
- Identifying a placement that fits under the ICWA preference provisions;
- Notifying the child’s tribe and the child’s parents of the child custody proceeding; and
- Working actively to involve the child’s tribe and the child’s parents in the proceedings.
Because these added protections address not only specific systems abuses directed at Native children—but also their unique political status and cultural considerations—ICWA has been labeled “the gold standard” of child welfare policy by experts and national leading child advocacy organizations far beyond Indian Country. Specifically, the measures ICWA takes to keep Native children in relative care whenever safe and possible have since become a best practice in the wider field of child welfare, and increasingly codified into state and federal law for the wider population.
Although progress has been made as a result of ICWA, out-of-home placement still occurs more frequently for Native children than it does for the general population. In fact, recent research on systemic bias in the child welfare system yielded shocking results. Native families are four times more likely to have their children removed and placed in foster care than their White counterparts. So in spite of the advances achieved since 1978, ICWA’s protections are still needed.
The Shortage of Foster Homes
Being a foster parent is a tough job, and there are too few foster parents to meet the need. This is true for all cultures and ethnicities, including Native American. The shortage of Native American foster homes means that Native American children who are removed from their homes are often placed with non-Native American families.
If you are interested in learning more about how you can help a child and family in need by becoming a foster parent, please call the toll-free statewide OKDHS foster/adoptive family recruitment hotline at 866-612-2565 or visit the OKDHS Foster Care Program website.
If you are Native American, please contact your Tribal ICWA department.
If you have questions about the conference, please contact Jayci Howerton at 580-318-1032.