Provider Escalated Issues and Critical Incident Reporting Training
What is it about?
Who should attend?
Registration for this training is open to all active Providers who create CIRs and report EIs in the Provider Question (PQ) Chapter of Harmony (CM, HC, AL, et al.)
Why should I attend?
The Escalated Issues (EI) Team exists to support Members’ health and safety. The EI Team can best support Providers when we are all aware of responsibilities and processes with regards to CIR reporting. All Providers are mandatory reporters and one of the best ways our Program can support Member wellbeing is through clear processes and communication. This annual, mandatory training will be offered several times to ensure the Provider community has many opportunities to access this content and build on existing knowledge.
Scheduled Events
Provider Escalated Issues and Critical Incident Reporting Training
The training will take place from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Please plan to log in no later than 15 minutes prior to training. Register
Provider Escalated Issues and Critical Incident Reporting Training
The training will take place from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Please plan to log in no later than 15 minutes prior to training. Register